If you are having trouble finding SuperEasyStats after installation, launch Excel and look for it in the menu ribbon. If it doesn’t show up there, follow these steps.

The links below should answer most questions. If you can’t find an answer you’re looking for, let us know. You should also make sure you are running the latest version.

Using SuperEasyStats...

Many SuperEasyStats tools have built-in help, but there are also plenty of resources here. Below is a quick reference with links to examples:

Basic tools
The "Tell me about my data" feature allows you to quickly calculate a basic statistical description of your data.

The "Random Numbers" function allows you to generate random numbers from different distributions.

Basic tools menu
  • Tell me about my data includes:

  • Mean, median, and mode

  • Adjustable confidence level for the mean

  • Largest value, smallest value, and range

  • Variance and standard deviation

  • Estimates of both the Normal and Exponential fit of your data

  • Along with a basic histogram so you can see the "shape" of your data.

Hypothesis tests
There are many ways to compare data sets to look for statistically significant differences. SuperEasyStats provides multiple options, including...

Hypothesis test menu
  • T Test to compare the means of two data sets (example).

  • Paired T Test to compare the means of paired data sets (example).

  • 1-Sample T Test to compare the mean of a sample to a hypothesized or known historical mean (example).

  • 1-Way ANOVA to compare the means of three or more data sets when a single factor may be affecting them (example).

  • Mood's Median Test to compare the medians of between 2 and 25 data sets (example).

  • F Test to compare the standard deviations of two data sets (example).

  • Test of Proportions to test if two proportions are statistically different (example).

  • Independence Test to look for correlations in categorical data (example).

SuperEasyStats includes functions that will help you analyze and understand your data, including...

Calculators menu
  • Sample size - a calculator to help you determine how many samples you need to calculate a confidence interval, or conduct a hypothesis test.

  • Confidence intervals - a calculator to help you understand the location of the true mean or proportion of your data.

SuperEasyStats allows you to create many interactive charts to help you visually understand and analyze your data.

  • Variable Data Capability - Create a detailed, interactive Histogram to understand key process metrics such as Cp, Cpk, Sigma Capability and yield. This function will also report on the Normality of your data (example).

  • Attribute Data Capability - A calculator to quantify important metrics such as DPMO, DPU, and Sigma Capability.

  • Measurement System Analysis - Both Attribute (example) and Variable (example) Measurement System Analysis to help you understand how well your measurement system is performing. 

SuperEasyStats allows you to create many interactive charts to help you visually understand and analyze your data.

  • Control charts - SuperEasyStats allows you to build and analyze many different kinds of Control Charts. See a full list of Control Charts with links to examples.

  • Scatter Plot and Regression - See if an input variable affects an output variable and make predictions using the Scatter Plot with Regression feature (example).

  • Pareto Chart - Understand, visualize, and prioritize problems that are affecting processes (example).

  • Box Plot - Box plots are a good, visual way to compare the spread and relative locations of multiple data sets (example).